Saturday, December 3, 2011
Flat and Broken
Life comes at us in many different ways. Sometimes, it comes straight at us. Even though we can't see what is coming from the darkness, we try to follow the straight and narrow path as best we can. Other times, life throws us a curve. Many times, over and over again. You never know what is coming or which way it will come. If we can't adapt to the lines and curves life sends our way, we may end up flat and broken, in it's path.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Day by Day
Living day by day. So many people get by and cope, by doing that. Sometimes it's a necessary evil, living day by day. But, why must we cope or get by at all, when our lives are concerned and we are really in control. Life is meant to be lived, and lived to it's fullest! Living day by day is not living life to the fullest. It is a mere existence. There is so much life to be experienced. So many colors to see. So much beauty. So much love. What does it take to look around and see how much of the color, the beauty, the love, has passed you by? How much of your color and life have you lost, while it is still all around you? Live your life. Find out what is waiting for you.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Burs of Life
The burs of life seem to follow us like the burs we pick up in the woods. Some are more noticeable than others and can be quickly removed. Others are not so noticeable. They stay with us until we are ready to clean things up, remove them and move on. The burs are not always bad things, as with the burs in the woods. They are seeds from which new things can be grown. Knowing what will grow from them gives us our direction, and how we sow those seeds is what makes the differences in our lives.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Hidden Beauty
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Inevitable
As the colors of Autumn slowly take over the woods and fens, we are reminded of, the inevitability of change. The change comes slowly at first, but it does and will come. We can't stop it no matter how hard we may try to wish it away. The colors change from bright greens to ambers, golds and crimsons. The air fills with a crisp new freshness. The mind and the senses can be overwhelmed, but the change will be beautiful.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sunshine, On My Shoulders....
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Feelings of Fall
As the summer weather reluctantly gives way to cooler temperatures of early fall, color starts to return to the woods and fens. The mornings, evenings and nights become cooler and motivation returns to the inner spirit. Time seems to pass more quickly this time of year, as does life itself. Maybe it is because we are as reluctant to give up on summer, as nature herself, and resist the change. Seasons change just as lives change. Welcome the change.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Mother of Pearl
I don't know how long I've had this shell. It was given to me by my oldest aunt, who lived in Alabama. She was my gardening aunt and taught me a lot about how to grow things. Every year, when we went to visit the family, she would have plants from her gardens ready for me to bring home. My parents were not gardeners at the time, so it was up to me to find places for them and nurture them. She gave me this shell, which sat in the gardens at my parent's house, until they passed away and we sold the house. It then moved to one of my gardens, where it will remain. It has never lost any of it's color or luster.
Thanks Aunt Alphie.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
On the Right Path
The right path is not always easy. It may have many rocks and roots to stumble over. It is almost never smooth and flat. Most paths that we need to follow are uphill, making the journey more difficult. Strength from within puts us on the right path. It keeps us on the path to where we need to go. We must use that strength to stay on this path, no matter how difficult, because we know what is waiting for us at the top. Stay on your path!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Beam of Light
Sunday, July 3, 2011
We all make choices. Everyday. Choices about what to eat. What to wear. What to do today. Life and love. Some choices can be seen more clearly than others. How do we know what to choose when things are not so clear? Do we rely on instinct? On gut feelings? Sometimes the choices are already made. We just haven't realized it, yet.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Woodland Critters
One of the wonderful things about spending so much time in the woods is the wildlife encounters. Seems that every time I go out, I see something new. Sometimes it's the same animals behaving differently. Could be a new animal, bird or flower. Sometimes, it's a rock that just doesn't look quite right.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Down to the Details
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Crossing Bridges
Life has many bridges we must cross. Sometimes we come to a bridge and hesitate. The bridge looks safe. The other side is where we want to go. There is familiarity and comfort on the other side. There may even be something we have been missing from our lives that is within reach, on the other side. We know we must cross this bridge, yet still, we hesitate. Why? So many questions to be asked before we cross. So many things to be resolved. Maybe we need someone from the other side to take our hand and help us across. That helping hand, that loving touch, can give us the strength we need to make the crossing. Sometimes faith must prevail over all the doubts and questions, so that we can take that hand and feel that love.
Monday, May 16, 2011
My Favorite Teacher
Having a daughter just graduate and getting ready to start a teaching career, makes you think about how important teachers really are to our future. I know several teachers and believe it is one of the most mis-understood and under appreciated professions out there. There are countless hours that are taken from teacher's personal lives to make sure that our children get the education they deserve; the education our children need to live their lives, better than ours. These children will be the people who take care of us, who find cures for the diseases that inflict us, who make the decisions to better our world. They need the best teachers we can find for them. With so many States looking to cut their budgets, teaching is the last place they should be looking!
As my daughter's graduation hat says, "If you can read this, thank a teacher"!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Long Time Friends
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Jack in the Pulpit
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Spring Daydreams
Walking through the Fen yesterday was wonderful. Things are greening up nicely. The birds are returning and singing their hearts out. The sun is warm. And it's quiet there. As quiet as the nature around me would allow. Finding a stump or a downed tree to sit on to take it all in, leads to daydreams. Daydreams of the past and the future. Wondering what the future holds. Hopefully, the future is as bright as the Marsh Marigolds.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Good Luck Pam!
A lady in my latest photography class had agreed to shoot a wedding for a "friend". I don't know her except through the class, but she seems to be a very fun person to be around. Energetic, driven, and wanting to learn more about this art form called photography. I've seen some of her images and she has a very good eye (IMHO) for what she wants to convey. Her equipment is a bit limited, so I offered her one of my flashes and showed her how to use it. I also offered my help (as limited as it is) if she needed it.
Today, we met at the church for a little "scouting" session. Talk about atrocious light!!! Typical church - dark, stained glass, horrendous side lights. I had a gray card with me, so I showed her how to do a custom color balance setting. That made all the difference in the world! I suggested a few traditional and non-traditional wedding shots, and had her practice them. She did very well! I think she was a lot more comfortable when I left and had a better understanding of her equipment and what she was in for. I hope she does alright.
Understand this, I am not a wedding shooter! I have shot a grand total of ONE wedding in my life. That was for a friend's family back in the film days....with questionable results. My photography knowledge (be it, as it is) is beyond hers, so I offered to help. I love to help others and teach where I can, so I couldn't help but give her a hand. I hope she does well, for her sake and for the wedding party.
Good luck Pam!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Friday was a great day for the people of this area. As I had posted back in November of last year, our County Park System was shut down and closed due to a very small levy's failure. Today, the Park System re-opened. It was re-opened through the efforts of many concerned citizens and groups. They have voluntarily offered to help maintain the parks and trails, and donations have been made to help ease the financial burden. We are, by no means, "out of the woods" yet. The Park System still needs more financial support that can only come from the entire community, not just a caring few.
Please visit our parks, if you are able, to see what these wonderful places have to offer and why they need to be preserved and open to the public. Also, when the new levy comes up on the ballot again, please do the right thing and vote YES for it. It IS the right thing to do.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Harbinger of Spring
The Harbinger of Spring has heralded that Spring IS here, on the day of the Vernal Equinox. Small and low to the ground, it hides it's beauty among the remains of last year's leaves. It can be easily over-looked and stepped on by those not aware of what might be found at their feet. Beauty must be found in small places, at times.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Crocus Are Popping!
With every Spring, comes the same rituals. The sky clears and turns blue as the sun shines brightly and warms the earth. Then, one of those bright, sunny days, the crocus start to pop. They pop in all their various whites, yellows, purples and mixed colors, telling us of more good things to come. Welcome Springtime!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Lifting the Spirit
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Color Memories
Monday, March 7, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Spring is coming.....someday
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Spring is Coming!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Snow Dog!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Morning Coffee
A good cup of coffee is one of the simple pleasures in life. It helps warm you up on a cold winter morning and gets you moving into your day. There's something about the smell of fresh ground coffee that, in itself, is energizing. I think I'll go finish mine while I read the Sunday paper and get going with my day.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Winter Fishing Dreams
As the ice and snow blows and swirls around outside, my mind wanders to warmer times and places. Fishing for some is a hobby, a way of life, a passion. For me, Bass fishing is a mere hobby now. It is something that used to be a very important part of my life. With dreams of turning pro, to live on the road, on the lakes, catching bass and becoming known to fellow fishermen, was how I lived. Guess I'll just go through my gear and wait until the ice thaws so I can get out and dream again.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Cold Thoughts
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Winter Greenery?
As the snow swirls outside and the temperatures drop, I find myself yearning for something green to photograph. As that is a near impossibility outside, I think to myself that I have all the green I need around me inside my house. Houseplants can make such a difference in the home environment, both physically and mentally. The different colored leaves; the different textures in the plants, makes for interesting imagery and can make the mind wander to warmer, sunnier climates. I feel better already!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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