Sunday, April 24, 2011

Jack in the Pulpit

Can't imagine a better way to spend Easter Sunday than at one of my many places of worship....listening to Reverend Jack, preachin from the Pulpit.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Spring can't seem to make up her mind this year. Warm days then cold days. Rain then sun. Ahhh.....I guess it is Spring!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Daydreams

Walking through the Fen yesterday was wonderful. Things are greening up nicely. The birds are returning and singing their hearts out. The sun is warm. And it's quiet there. As quiet as the nature around me would allow. Finding a stump or a downed tree to sit on to take it all in, leads to daydreams. Daydreams of the past and the future. Wondering what the future holds. Hopefully, the future is as bright as the Marsh Marigolds.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Good Luck Pam!

A lady in my latest photography class had agreed to shoot a wedding for a "friend". I don't know her except through the class, but she seems to be a very fun person to be around. Energetic, driven, and wanting to learn more about this art form called photography. I've seen some of her images and she has a very good eye (IMHO) for what she wants to convey. Her equipment is a bit limited, so I offered her one of my flashes and showed her how to use it. I also offered my help (as limited as it is) if she needed it.

Today, we met at the church for a little "scouting" session. Talk about atrocious light!!! Typical church - dark, stained glass, horrendous side lights. I had a gray card with me, so I showed her how to do a custom color balance setting. That made all the difference in the world! I suggested a few traditional and non-traditional wedding shots, and had her practice them. She did very well! I think she was a lot more comfortable when I left and had a better understanding of her equipment and what she was in for. I hope she does alright.

Understand this, I am not a wedding shooter! I have shot a grand total of ONE wedding in my life. That was for a friend's family back in the film days....with questionable results. My photography knowledge (be it, as it is) is beyond hers, so I offered to help. I love to help others and teach where I can, so I couldn't help but give her a hand. I hope she does well, for her sake and for the wedding party.

Good luck Pam!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Friday was a great day for the people of this area. As I had posted back in November of last year, our County Park System was shut down and closed due to a very small levy's failure. Today, the Park System re-opened. It was re-opened through the efforts of many concerned citizens and groups. They have voluntarily offered to help maintain the parks and trails, and donations have been made to help ease the financial burden. We are, by no means, "out of the woods" yet. The Park System still needs more financial support that can only come from the entire community, not just a caring few.

Please visit our parks, if you are able, to see what these wonderful places have to offer and why they need to be preserved and open to the public. Also, when the new levy comes up on the ballot again, please do the right thing and vote YES for it. It IS the right thing to do.